The Big Stick Called Faith
By Jim Lynn, © 2015
A Great Mystery
I want to tell you about a great mystery that has
perplexed Christians of this generation. This mystery stirs fear
and creates unrest within the Church. What mystery do I speak of? It
is the mystery of the power of faith to heal the sick.
The mystery of the power of faith to heal the sick is
not ours alone. For despite the power and authority given
to the twelve disciples to drive out demons and heal the
sick, they, too, struggled to administer that power and
authority. In other words, twelve handpicked men of Christ
struggled with the issue of faith to heal the sick just as we do
Let's review some known facts:
We know Jesus sent His disciples out, two by two, to
preach the kingdom of God and to heal the sick. But before doing
so, He gave them each a huge stick to carry. That huge
stick is God's authority and power (Matthew
Armed with this big stick, the disciples were able to
drive out demons and heal the sick of every known
disease. Without the stick, these ordinary men were
But as we shall soon learn, just because these twelve
were given God's power and authority to heal didn't mean
they would always be successful. That's because Jesus
required the twelve to possess one thing
more, which only
they themselves could supply.
That one thing was their faith!
In spite of having God's power and authority to heal the
sick, the disciples were powerless without their personal
belief and faith that God would do as they asked of
Mark 6:13 tells us when the disciples went out, they
drove out many demons and healed the sick (Mark 6:13).
Praise God! Imagine their joy and the great enthusiasm
which must have followed. They must have had many
great stories to tell as a
But wait:
On at least on one occasion, things didn't go so
well. Not everyone was healed. The disciples had
tried unsuccessfully to drive a lunatic demon from a
boy (Matthew 17:16).
When the boy's father related this information to
Jesus, he replied, "O faithless and perverse
generation...How long
shall I put up with you?" (Matthew 17:17) Obviously, Jesus’ statement was not directly pointed toward
the disciples, although it most certainly included
When the disciples later came to Jesus in private to
ask Him why they couldn't heal the boy, He answered
them by saying, "because you have so little
faith" (Matthew
That's the mystery, the great mystery called faith,
which the world fears yet today and has created division
and strife within the Church.
Faith is the keystone that empowers God's authority
and power to heal the sick. How much faith? Jesus said
with just a little faith nothing will be impossible for
you (Matthew
Many years later, the Apostle James would
admonish Church elders to pray over their
sick in faith, and to
anoint the sick with oil for healing (James 5:14-16). James
had obviously learned the lesson of faith well from his
own failure while in training with Jesus years before. For
he was with Jesus the day the father of the lunatic
boy approached
Faith in God's promise to heal is what separates
men of faith in God, from carnal men who cower in fear
or disbelief. This kind of faith is not intellectual or
born of doctrine. It is a soul searching conviction (born of
God's Word) which touches the very heart of God.
Church elders today, who dismiss James 5:14ff, of
course do not practice James' admonition. To make
themselves feel
comfortable about their dismissal (and to be accepted by
the world) they have Church doctrines which effectively puts
God out of the healing business, and healing out of the Body of Christ (The
The real question we should be asking ourselves is
not whether God heals. The real question should be are
we willing to believe and put our faith in God's promise
to exercise His power and authority on our behalf?
That's a big question because faith to heal places
God squarely into our midst, not far off in some unseen
world. It puts Him right into our lives and world, much like
our mother, father and children are part of our
I have to tell you, many Christians are not comfortable
with that thought. They fear God. They are more
comfortable with a God that is somewhere over there, not
You see, faith for many Christians consists of believing
in Jesus Christ as their Savior. That's good, but think
about it. Faith to save one's soul is a far cry from faith that
falls Upon Jesus Christ for healing.
The former is benign and requires little beyond
intellectual acceptance, kinda like acceptance that the earth spins
one revolution every 24 hours on its axis. People accept
the earth spins and go on with their lives. No biggy. We
regulate our lives by this spinning, and that's about
Likewise, many people willingly conform their lives
as Christians to live a moral existence with a hope for
the resurrection. They count themselves faithful if they
attend Church regularly. That's the extent of faith for most
Christians. Unless they are forced to renounce their faith or be
killed, there is little to challenge their
The latter, however, goes much farther. It actively
calls Upon God's power and authority with unwavering
certainty to restore the human body to wholeness free of
disease. That's not something the world likes or accepts.
The implications of this kind of faith goes far beyond
intellectual faith and being faithful to attend
Church. This kind of faith
stands squarely against the world and medical tests that says a
person has cancer and has two months to live. It defies Church
doctrine which
does not believe in divine healing. It falls with
conviction and
certainty upon an unseen all powerful God that He will fulfill His Word to
us. That, friends, is the kind of faith
Jesus had in mind when he lamented, "O faithless and
perverse generation."
One of America's Presidents, Teddy Roosevelt, had a
saying about America's role in the world. He said America
should walk softly and carry a big stick. Of course, that big
stick was America's military
As Christians, we are to walk softly and also carry a big
stick, The big stick of faith that believes God's Word. That
many Christians have entrusted the world to the care of
their bodies at the expense of forsaking God's power and
authority to heal speaks volumes about the size of the stick they
May the God of Peace fill your
heart and soul with